Why do DuPont silk dyes leave yellow edges on the silk?

Teena Hughes silk painting with brushes

Why do DuPont silk dyes leave yellow edges on the silk? Photo is of Teena Hughes painting on Habotai silk.

This question came from Radhika:

“Hi Tina. I use DuPont silk dyes for silk painting but my red and pink is leaving yellow edges on the fabric. What can I do to fix this?”

Hi Radhika, this is TEENA 🙂

Thank you for reaching out.

In regard to the problem with silk dyes, I don’t use DuPont silk dyes at the moment, but have in the past.

Whenever any silk dye leaves a “halo” effect of another colour (the yellow you mention), it makes me think that perhaps the silk dye wasn’t shaken before using. It could be the age of the dye, it could be so many things.

  1. The first best way to find out why it happened is to contact the manufacturer. Have you done that yet? Some online research has found their Contact Us page on their website
  2. The second best way is to contact the business who sold you the dye, and ask them the same questions.
  3. These would be the two best places to start your research.

The next places to search would be:

  • online Facebook Groups and Forums where people gather to chat about their silk painting.
  • finding these and joining in is a great way to ask questions and hear from those who have had the same experience.

Be prepared for MANY responses to a question, as there will be many experienced silk painters kindly offering help, and there will also be newbies who might not have had the same experience, but who wish to offer support with some kind words 🙂

This page on my website might provide more information on H Dupont  >>

PS — My online silk painting Courses can be found here, including a FREE one >>

Have a delightful day – happy painting!

If you have any other silk painting or other questions, please:

  1. contact me via email
  2. post a Comment below
  3. pop over to my Facebook page >>
  4. or post a Comment on YouTube >>

Ciao ciao for now! Please do let me know if you find a solution, it would be great to share it with people reading this page – thank you!

Teena signature black

Teena Hughes xoxox