Musing, Choosing, Fusing, Using Memories of Silk Painting

How to paint on silk Banner with 2 silk examples

Today I’ve been musing, choosing, fusing and using memories as I sort through miscellaneous boxes in my Art Studio.

I came across cards and postcards I’ve made from photos of my hand-painted silks, and even laminated pieces of silk which still look fabulouos and bright 30 years later!

Each of these items whet my whistle to start creating again

Before I knew it, I started to reimagine some of these designs and colour schemes – sometimes a quick look through a handful of items on my desk can reawaken my love of colour and design – what about you? Do you have a pasttime which helps infuse your brain with ideas and the longing to paint? Oooooh I do hope so 🙂 please comment below or send me an email and photos of whatever helps you get into silk painting mode.

So here is a quick video I made – in fact I must’ve accidentally touched a button or link on my phone, and it ended up only being 5 seconds long! Hahahah a I laughed so hard when I watched it back, so I popped it into my video editing software, and extended the timing to 20 seconds 😀


Enough Musing and Using Memories of Silk Painting

That’s enough to help get your brain into a playful silk painting mode for today, I do hope you’re well and happy and loving life

I look forward to hearing from you soon – and seeing photos of whatever you’re working on 💜

Ciao ciao for now,


Teena Hughes •


Memories of Silk Painting

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