Can Resistad Be Coloured For Painting On Silk?

Can Resistad Be Coloured For Painting On Silk?

I received a question from a Student who asked, “Can Resistad Be Coloured For Painting On Silk?”

And my answer was a resounding, “YES! ABSOLUTELY!”

Over the years I’ve done this many times, creating amazing coloured outlines.

Here are a few examples:

Hand-painted silk cold wax examples by Teena Hughes Hand-painted silk bookmarks by Teena Hughes Wall art example - Day 3 of 5-Day Art Marketing

How to create moving images of silk 

Frida Kahlo hand-painted on silk by Teena HughesYellow outline created by Teena Hughes


The only colours which can be USED to add colour to RESISTAD are:

  • steam-set SILK DYES

If you add any other type of colour they may wash out after steam-setting, or they may make a huge mess, so don’t do it – unless you want to experiment with a small silk design first.

Quick bit of history …

Gutta is the original outlining product used for silk painting since the early 19th century, and was traditionally gum-based (sticky, sometimes hard to remove). Over the years, there are now newer versions, including a water-based version.

RESISTAD (only one R in Resistad) is water-based and was invented by a New Zealand chap named John Mitchell, and his business was Procolour. He sold his Resistad Formula to Jacquard Products, and they now manufacture it and sell it. Yes, you can add coloured silk STEAM-SET DYE to Resistad to make new colours for outlining, which I did for many years.

Both have been used by professional silk artists for many years, and depending on the thickness of the silk, and how it is applied, you may get different results.

It’s very simple to TEST each one on different “thicknesses” of silk, using different thicknesses of outlines, to work out which one is BEST for you and whatever you wish to create.

Start experimenting, make notes of your results, and do let me know how you get on 🙂

PS – I have an online course all about this 🙂


How to Create coloured outliners for silk painting

Did this answer your question about how colouring Resistad outlines?

I hope so – if you still have questions, please do get in touch and let me know if you’d like more explanation about anything I’ve mentioned above, I’d love to help you. Here are a couple of easy ways to reach out:

  • contact me by writing an email
  • contact me on Facebook
  • contact me on Youtube
  • send me a voicemail on my website – there is a long pink button on the right hand side of the screen 

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Have a spectacular week painting on silk! I look forward to talking to you again soon.

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Cheerio for now!

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Teena Hughes in Australia xxx