Zoom Chat about Silk Painting – Option 1 and 2

Ready to Zoom Chat with Teena about Silk Painting? Woohoo!

First time I’m using Zoom to chat with other arty farty fabulous artists, so fingers are crossed for good luck that it works 😀

Here are the time zones:

Option 1:

  • 7 Feb 2021 – Los Angeles, NY, London
  • 8 Feb 2021 – Brisbane, Sydney

Option 2:

  • 9 Feb 2021 – Los Angeles, NY, London, Brisbane, Sydney

If you need to check YOUR timezone, use an online Converter which matches the BRISBANE times shown below, because that’s where I am, and that’s the time I will be online 🙂

I am trying out TWO different timezones because it’s tricky to get a time which will suit everyone in different parts of the world.

Looking for your Timezone?

Join me by adding your name to the form below

  • Once you’ve signed up, I will email you with the Zoom links you’ll need to click on the date/time you’ve chosen.


Let me know if you have any questions or comments 🙂