Look Inside my book Silk Artist Valentine Heart Designs Templates

My new book was published on Amazon this week, and it is my first book of Template designs! Woohoo, so exciting!

The book is 142 pages, and this “look inside” flip book shows:

  1. the first 26 pages
  2. including all the info pages in the front
  3. plus 3 pages of square and long scarf examples
  4. and the first three of the sixty heart designs.

This will be a new Flip Book so after it’s installed, please do let me know if it works OK for you:


Here are some of the hand-painted silk scarves I’ve created in the past year or so:

Look Inside my book Silk Artist Valentine Heart


I hope you enjoyed my new book of Templates – stay tuned for more in the Series very soon!

Ciao ciao for now,

Teena signature black

Teena Hughes